Image Triage – be careful what you post

How to avoid public ‘shaming’

If you’ve ever read Jon Ronson’s book ‘Shamed’, you will know the devastating effect social media can have on people who have posted something stupid on the internet.

Ronson highlights the case of Justine Sacco (a director of corporate communications) who, before boarding an 11-hour flight from Heathrow to Cape Town, Tweeted to her 170 followers what she thought was a series of lighthearted, acerbic comments about her journey.It was the final one however that started a Twitterstorm, gaining momentum during the time she was in the air, where she slept, oblivious to what was happening on the ground.  On arriving in South Africa, Justine switched on her phone to find a frantic message from a friend which said simply, “I’m so sorry to see what’s happening”.   She then took a call from another friend who told her she was now trending number 1 on Twitter worldwide.  And not in a good way…

You can find a link about Justine’s story and the impact this had on her career and her life, at the foot of this article.  What this and other cases demonstrate, is how easily a careless message can be carried and amplified to a huge audience.  An audience you didn’t know you had.

I recently attended a wonderful conference in Portugal with my fellow coaches from Asenitiv®, the leaders in “Relationship Marketing”.  There I was introduced to a term I hadn’t heard before: ‘Image Triage’.  This in the context of social media, is quite simply the conscious application of criteria to whatever you post to safeguard your company and personal image.

It encourages me to think “What am I posting?” and “Why do I want to post it?” and “What is the impact of posting this?”.

This is hugely important, whether you use social media from a personal or business perspective.  The lines are blurred now between our personal and professional relationships and what you post now is how people will pretty much perceive you to be for a long time.

Is LinkedIn becoming less professional?

I have noticed people becoming less careful about what they post on LinkedIn and have asked people to consider removing a misjudged post as well as calling out some that were downright stupid.

Consider the following:

  1. Do people really want to hear your views on politics?
  2. Do you think it’s appropriate to use profanity?
  3. Do you think it’s appropriate to say you are glad that Richard Branson fell off his bike because you think he is a *******?
  4. Do business people really want to read about your divorce or cheating spouse?
  5. Do you really think it’s acceptable to comment on the looks of those young women who have posted a picture of themselves at the launch of their new business?

I haven’t made any of those up.  I’ve seen examples of all of the above this last year and more, and I’m sure you have much the same reaction to them as me.

We can avoid all that through Image Triage.  Simply ask, “Am I posting anything here that I wouldn’t want my best customer or future employer to read?”.

It is about safeguarding our image, our brand.

Apply ‘Image Triage’ today to make sure you don’t become a casualty of Social Media tomorrow.

All the best


Read Justine’s story in this article:


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John Drysdale






John Drysdale Asenitiv® Merseyside and No Guru Ltd

I am a trainer, facilitator and coach.  Sometimes I run… quite far, and occasionally I climb a decent sized hill, usually in North Wales.  I am a musician and enjoy the music of Van Morrison and others who continue to inspire me most days.

I currently reside in the wonderful city of Liverpool.

Posted by John Drysdale
9th January 2017
John's Blog


NEW: Heriott Watt University

We are delighted to announce we are now working with Heriott-Watt University to deliver the Welcome to Leadership programmes for their managers. The university has a large international presence with an ambitious strategy and we are looking forward to working with their Professional and Organisational Development team. Heriott-Watt is the latest University to join our growing list of valued customers within Higher Education and we are grateful for this amazing opportunity.

New ILM Coaching & Mentoring Programme – May 2022

Due to the ongoing success of our ILM Coaching & Mentoring Programmes, we have now scheduled in a second cohort for 2022.

The programme is already receiving plaudits and as a result we are growing our community of ILM Coaches and Mentors progressing towards an internationally recognised qualification.

Watch out also for our special preview events ‘Take Your Coaching To The Next Level’ running throughout March, April and May.

Information on the programme can be found here.

ILM Coaching & Mentoring May 2022

Contact us on:   or call 0844 873 1226


ILM Coaching & Mentoring September 2021

We are looking forward to starting our new cohort joining The Coaching Programme, leading to qualifications in Coaching & Mentoring from ILM at Level 5 and Level 7.

The programme begins on Friday 17th September 2021 with our ‘Coaching Foundations’ session.  All learning is done remotely, making our programme accessible wherever you are.



John's Blog

Why be a coach or mentor?

I am a little biased but I love both coaching and mentoring. I used to enjoy being the ‘trainer’ which satisfied the performer in me but as I get older there is something that I find deeply satisfying in being a coach or mentor.

More than that, I find it a privilege to work with people.  People that trust you enough to share their greatest challenges, dearest hopes, deepest fears and core beliefs about life. I can think of few professions in business that afford you such intimacy. I feel lucky and grateful each and every session I get to spend with my clients. (more…)

Speaking Truth to Power

For those afraid of speaking …

(But) TED is a tough, pressured, hugely stressful gig, even for experienced public speakers, and I’m not that. Standing in the wings waiting to go on, I told the stage manager that my heart was racing uncontrollably and in an act of great kindness, she grasped both my hands and made me take breath after breath. And what you don’t see in the video – deftly edited out – is the awful, heart-stopping moment when I forgot a line, followed by another act of collective kindness, a spontaneous empathic cheer as I composed myself and found my cue. “That’s when the audience came onside,” an attendee told me. “You were human. That’s when you won them over.”  Guardian April 2019


This from Carole Cadwalladr, a journalist at the Guardian who has in this last year investigated the role of tech corporations and their platforms in influencing the workings of our democracy.  What makes her TED talk so compelling is because here she is facing those very same technology giants on their turf.  And speaking truth to power.


Coaching: Deep Impact

This week I had the chance to attend a seminar at the Leeds Coaching Network featuring renowned coach, writer and speaker Julie Starr.  You may be familiar with some of Julie’s work including; ‘The Coaching Manual’, ‘The Mentoring Manual’ and ‘Brilliant Coaching’ and the session was everything you expected it to be. (more…)